Sunday, August 15, 2010

July Camping

The last weekend in July we went camping. We knew we wanted to go, but we didn't want to go really far. We went up Provo canyon to Hope campground. We have been there before and have really enjoyed it. It was fun because not only did my brother Peter and his family join us, but my brother David's family came up too. My sister Marie and her family were even able to come up in the evening for treats. We feel so lucky to have nice areas to camp so close by.
It was a lot of fun. Anna had a wonderful time rolling in the dirt. I don't think we were there for more than 15 minutes and she was completely covered in dirt. She had tons of fun playing with her cousins, running around, climbing trees, and eating treats. I'm sure we will go back again next year.
Enjoy the pictures!
Devin playing with his new ax.
Anna having fun. Look closely at the dirt all over her.

Anna and Zach checking out Zach's new flashlight.
Zach was ready to put a log on the fire.
Thank you Marthe for bringing Spencer's leftover birthday cake. That was a great appetizer for dinner.
David had fun carving a little "man" out of wood. And being fire monitor.
Peter needed to test out Devin's ax too.
Everyone had some good sitting time.

Unlike Anna, Liz did not like being dirty at all.
There was a good climbing tree for the kids. No MAJOR injuries occurred because of this tree. :)

Campfire food is the best.
Campfire treats are especially good when that includes leftover pudding from making dough boys.

When the pudding is gone life can get really hard.
It was a perfect evening to eat and talk and enjoy being outside.
This is what Anna's shirt looked like by the end of the day.
We were able to get all the kids together for one group shot right before we went home. They are a really fun bunch. Constant entertainment.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Moving, Moving, Moving

The last few weeks have been crazy.  We put our house up for sale back in November.  We finally received a good offer on our condo and are under contract to sell it August 23rd.  When we decided to move, we said we wouldn't look at homes until we were under contract so that we wouldn't fall in love with a house and not be able to pay for it.  There is no way we wanted to deal with two mortgages.  Once under contract we starting looking like crazy.  It was lots of fun looking at other people's houses and not have to worry about my house being clean enough for someone else to look at it.    We found a house in Lehi that we liked, but then things just weren't right.  So we kept looking.  We found a great house in Cedar Hills.  We love it.  We made an offer on it.  And now if all goes well we will be the owners of a cute little house on September 2nd. 
So if I don't blog for the next several weeks it is because I am packing up our condo, moving in with my mom, and then moving out again all within a month. 
Crazy!  Exciting!
(Yes, that is a picture of the house.)

Friday, August 6, 2010

Winnie the Pooh

We got some cute video of Anna singing Winnie the Pooh today.  Not sure what the arm flapping was in the middle of the song, but she sure looked like she was having fun.


We had a little performer today!