But what would an adventure be without a little conflict. We got up to the little station where you pay to get into the park and "OH NO!" the dashing park ranger in his stunning hat had no way to accept a credit card. "BLAST!" That's what we get for living in a plastic world. We counted up the change in our car and it totaled about 63 cents. (If the park fee is $3 and Devin and Julie only have 63 cents, how much money do they owe the park ranger?) Luckily we must have looked pathetic enough the park ranger came up with a plan of his own to save the day. If we would drive clear to the American Fork side of the canyon, they could accept our credit card there. "YEAH!!!!" Thank heavens for the Park Rangers of the world, once again they saved us.
So we went hiking. It was so much fun to go out and enjoy the beauties all around us. We went up quite a ways before we decided it was time to turn around and hea

And that is our story for the week. Many people like to pamper their feet by getting a pedicure or soaking them in a hot bath, but no, those things are not for me! Just give me a good long hike, some dirt, snow, and water and my feet are happy.
sounds like fun! I like hiking too, but my feet are happiest getting a nice pedicure or soaking in a nice bath!!!
Those feet sure did look dirty. Thankgoodness your nails were painted, or I would have thought they were Devin's feet. Hehehehe:) I think you need to go do what Nikki likes to do with her feet, and get a pedicure!! Hehehehe:)
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