Life is filled with one fiasco after another. This week's fiasco happened to be that our dryer officially kicked the bucket, or at least the heating element gave up the ghost. Devin had lots of fun being the handy-man. As he pulled out the dryer to work on it, he also discovered about 14 years worth of dust, candy, and yes, old socks. (You know the one sock that you lose while doing the wash.) It was in all honesty pretty gross! Unfortunately, the new heating element will not be in for several days, but I'll let you all rest easy

to know that there are no longer dust bunnies behind and underneath our dryer. We had lots of fun hanging up all of our clothes all over our house to dry. It was one of those times when I really wish we had a back yard so we could dry our close outside in the hot weather. Oh well. I think by now Devin's socks are dry. I don't really get it. A pair of jeans drys over night, but socks stay wet for days. There must be some sort of logical explanation. Hopefully the next time I do laundry I'll have a dryer that works.
1 comment:
ahh that reminds me of dave and my laundromat days . none of the dryers ever worked!
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