I was intrigued to say the least. Months ago I bought Twilight, with a gift card from our wedding (Thanks! That's my favorite kind of gift.). I put it at the bottom of my stack of books to read. Finally it ended up at the top. I must admit Stephenie Meyer is a great writer. No complaints about her writing style. I really enjoyed it....until the characters became so completely annoying that I couldn't stand it anymore! Maybe it's the "Tomboy" in me, that was craving some really good blood and gore. It is a book about vampires, so one only expects some good action. No! Instead I find myself reading a way to dramatic teenage romance that is somehow beyond my power to stop reading (I tried once but curiosity go the best of me). I am happy to report that I did not stay up ridiculously late reading this book. The characters were a little over the top. But I keep reminding myself that it is a teenage romance, so the characters are suppose to be dumb. The best part of the book was from about page 375-480. I'd read that part again, the rest... I'm not so sure. And what does the stupid apple on the front cover have to do with anything in the book anyway????
Ok, so I'm done with my soapbox on a really really really over the top way too dramatic cheesy yet way too addicting book. I don't know if it is healthy to read these kinds of books. Harry Potter was at least fulfilling. It had at least 100 great life lessons you could learn from it. Twilight had only one for me....To be obsessed with something is to destroy your very existence.
And why do I somehow want to read the next book New Moon....right now?
I've heard some interesting things about this book. Loved it, hated it, why can't you be more like [character's name] (okay no one has said that). I've been told to read it, I've been told not to read it, I've been told to read it to find out why it's so dumb. And well, I frankly don't know what I'm going to do.
Amen. That is exactly how I felt about this book - it annoyed me so deeply, and yet I couldn't put it down! And I felt compelled to read the second and third book! I think that people who hear me talk about it probably think I have a split personality... Anyway, I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one on the planet who finds this book annoying.
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