I always wondered what I would be like pregnant. What kind of foods would I crave and stuff like that. You hear stories of girls who eat all sorts of stuff, and LOTS of it. I am finding that I am the complete opposite. If I can find something that sounds good it is almost a miracle. Last night we found yet another food that doesn't agree with pregnant Julie. I will spare you the nitty gritty details, but I am completely sad to report that I don't think I'll be having Purple Turtle ice cream for a while. I grew up in Utah County and I remember when the Purple Turtle was over by the University Mall. It has always been a favorite location for ice cream. Last night I thought, we haven't had ice cream forever. Well....BAD NEWS!!! And I didn't even eat it all. Needless to say, we have now added ice cream to the list of things that make me sick. Funny that I can't eat ice cream or basically anything with sugar. I guess it isn't a bad thing.
On a happier note, we did find something today that made my tummy really happy. Great Harvest Bread. I run enough races that I have a stack of coupons for free loaves of Great Harvest bread sitting on my counter. As I was sitting trying to think what on earth I could eat that sounded good, I was inspired. It was so yummy too!!! So I guess being able to eat only good things like bread, cheese, Cheerios, crackers, and pasta isn't bad. Who would have thought? I guess my baby is just a really healthy eater.
Lucky- I always wanted foods to make me sick when I was pregnant-because I gain so much weight because I feel sick if food isn't in my tummy! I remember with Landon -my first- I craved potato chips and could literally eat a bag of LAYS!! I also loved Chilis chips and salsa and would go there just to get it. Terrible. Good thing you are craving that bread- that really is not so bad- in fact I always stop there when I'm in UT just for the yummy bread. Good luck with the pregnancy- I bet you are a really cute pregnant "mama". :)
The first three to four months of my pregnancies I lost weight because even the smell of most foods made me sick. I had to leave the kitchen while some brownies were cooking one day they made me so sick. By about the fifth month I was able to eat more foods again. I'm glad that you found good foods that you can eat!
Ice cream not good, huh?? I bet you got the cronic, huh or worse-throwing up?? Get used to it-your body is going wacko and some foods just set it off. I didn't care for sweets that much at the beginnig-I just wanted fresh fruit-yum. Then towards the end-the last two months-sweets were what I wanted!! Your body will level off-just enjoy the fun times of being pregnant-it truly is and can be fun:)
I couldn't eat ice cream when I was pregnant with Noah. And it turned out he was allergic to milk. But when I had him then I liked it again. Just eat what ever tastes good. By the way I miss great harvest bread. My favorite pregnancy food was steak I wanted it all the time. Funny/
I like chocolate milk!
Congrats on the baby news! You guys will make the best parents! I am so happy for you! (Sorry, I think I am a bit late)
The first trimester for me is so bad - not morning sickness, all day sickness. I don't gain much weight then either. But just wait until that 2nd one - the happy trimester as I like to call it - food will be a good thing again. For me the first time it was french fries - not really healthy, but yummy to my tummy! The 2nd time it was chocolate chip cookies. I think I made them every day and there was always dough in the fridge or freezer. The 3rd time I craved fresh fruit - I was happy that this time around it was healthy, but I gained the most weight so not sure healthy matters.
Seriously, I am so happy for you guys!!
Congratulations! We are so exited for you. I think bread is a great thing to crave. You would be in a lot of trouble if chocolate was sounding good. :)
We can't wait to hear what you are having. I guessed a boy. I figure with your family, I have pretty good odds. ;)
I hope you are having a boy Julie because everyone else I know is having a girl, and it would be so fun to have someone else having a boy too, so my little guy can have friends one day! For me the good old days of feeling sick have passed, now I just have to deal with finally starting to get a little bit bigger :) But I can feel him moving and kicking all of the time and I love that!
NO ICE CREAM!?! YIKES! I craved a lot of random stuff too...fruit that wasn't in season. I would eat entire pineapples, entire watermelons, whole flats of raspberries, mangos, and the works...mmm...tasty.
isn't funny all of the wacko things that happen to your body when you're pregnant. just wait - there are a ton more :) all oh so worth it though!
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