Thursday, May 29, 2008

Mission Impossible?

We are fortunate enough to have 4 bedrooms in our house. When we got married we decided to use the master bedroom and the other bedroom on the main floor would be used for the office. We then threw all of my extra stuff in one room upstairs and all of Devin's stuff in the other room upstairs. Today we finished packing up my classroom and stuffed all that into my extra room upstairs.
Now this is where things get interesting. In about 5 months we are going to have a baby, which means baby probably needs a room of its own. This means the office needs to move upstairs and well...we need to do some major organizing. I love organizing things. It is one of my favorite ways to relieve stress. Organizing is even more fun when you aren't stressed. So here is my impossible mission and I do accept the challenge. My goal is by then end of June to have the two upstairs rooms cleaned out and organized, that includes moving the office upstairs. My reward if I complete this mission....I get to make the old office into a cute baby room. The following pictures are of the two disaster rooms upstairs. Please don't think we are slobs. Just wait, wait and see what I can do in a month.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

One Step Closer

I have been working for the last year or so to change Devin's bachelor pad into a happy home. Many things I have changed and fixed. This last week one of the things that I hated the most went away. If you've been to our house you might have seen our nice manly TV stand. Most people use these kind of stands to store stuff in their garage (I call them gorilla racks). Devin figured that it would hold the TV just fine. And it has. Devin has said he was going to build a nice TV stand. Finally he decided we should just buy one. Thanks to Ikea we found one we both like and after 4 hours of following those easy to put together instructions we now have a really nice looking TV stand. WOW! It looks so much better than that nasty gorilla rack. It just goes to show that good things come to those who wait. Devin says it is the end of his bachelorhood. It better be since we were married over a year ago.

Just A Little Hole

This weekend Devin's parents came to visit. We pulled out our nice air mattress to sleep on. Devin pumped it up. A little bit later I sat down on our bed and it just didn't feel quite right. Devin pumped it up some more, but then it didn't last. Could their be a hole? We figured that if it was flat by the time we woke up we would know if there was a hole in it. At about 2:00am we officially declared that "Yes, there is a hole" because we were pretty much flat on the ground. Long story short, we snuggled up on the couch for the rest of the night. He found the hole today after church. We are hoping that there was just one hole. We'll find out tonight at about 2:00am I guess.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Today was Devin's 28th birthday. Happy Birthday Devin!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


So today I went to the doctor for my 16 week appointment. According to my sister, this was to be a quick listen to the heart beat in and out appointment. Devin decided not to come because it wasn't going to be anything big and exciting.

Or so he thought. I asked him if there was anything he wanted me to ask the doctor. He only had one question, "Are we going to have twins?" I thought it was a silly question but I figured I'd ask. So after the doctor found our babies heart beat right above my right hip I asked her, "So is there any chance we are having twins? My husband wants to know." She went clear over to my far left side and surprisingly enough found another heartbeat. WHAT? She went over to the other side and heard a heart beat, went back to the other and heard another. "So what does that mean am I having twins?" "I don't know, it's possible. Weird!" Don't you love it when your doctor says, "Weird!" So she left and a few minutes later she came back and Dr. Smith had decided that we should do an ultrasound to make sure how many babies are in there. So after sweating it out for 5 minutes we found out...just one baby. Enjoy our first baby photos. Isn't it cute! We will found out what that cute little baby is on June 5th.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Movie Night

We are trying to do more together as a family. Last month we had a "game night" at David and Marthe's house. Marthe has come up with all sorts of fun activities to do with the family. When we saw a "movie night" we thought, hey we could actually do that one at our house. So we invited everyone over to our house to watch a movie last Friday night. Everyone came! We have never had my whole family at our house all at once. We are glad that most of them are under 3 feet tall. We were filled to the max. We watched Babes In Toyland (now there's a classic!). The boys liked it and we had some good laughs too. After the movie was over it was fun just to sit around and talk while my nephews rolled around in the blankets like little bear cubs. I'm sure our neighbors were thinking, "What on Earth is going on? They never make any noise!" It was tons of fun!