Now this is where things get interesting. In about 5 months we are going to have a baby, which means baby probably needs a room of its own. This means the office needs to move upstairs and well...we need to do some major organizing. I love organizing things. It is one of my favorite ways to relieve stress. Organizing is even more fun when you aren't stressed. So here is my impossible mission and I do accept the challenge. My goal is by then end of June to have the two upstairs rooms cleaned out and organized, that includes moving the office upstairs. My reward if I complete this mission....I get to make the old office into a cute baby room. The following pictures are of the two disaster rooms upstairs. Please don't think we are slobs. Just wait, wait and see what I can do in a month.

Can't wait to see the afters. I love the shot you can count 5 CPUs sitting around. I'm guess that is Devin's room.
Yup, You caught me. What on earth do I do with all these computers? I don't know either.
Looks like fun. Not! Happy last day of school. When do you find out the baby's gender? I hope you are feeling well.
It looks like a big job and I'm guessing that it will include multiple DI trips. Also, it looks like your house is where the summer library should be--I love all the books!
HAHA! You have almost as much crap as us. And wait it gets better, kids have so much stuff!
Yeah, I've got a problem with accumulating junk. Lucky for me, I've got a wife who has no problem throwing stuff away.
Do you know anybody who wants an old decrepit computer? They run. They don't run Windows XP very fast, but they run.
Oh my you have a lot of CRAP!!!!! :) We don't even own that much!!!! :) hehehehehe
Happy Organizing!
Can't wait to see the finished product!
I can attest to your organization skills in the classroom I can only imagine what you'll be able to do with all of that 'stuff' :)
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