Today Devin and I did have the great opportunity to speak in church though. The topic was "Freedom." I have never had the chance to speak on that subject before. I felt a little inadequate. I love U.S. history, but do not consider myself an expert in any way shape or form. All week long I wondered what I could possibly say about freedom. As I reflected on why I love being an American, what I love about this country and its history, and how that relates to the gospel several speeches came to mind. After reading through them I couldn't help but think about how inspired these men were. These speeches move me as much as anything Elder Maxwell ever wrote. I had so much fun reading famous speeches from U.S. history. It was as much fun as reading the conference Ensign. I am currently looking for a really good book that contains a good collection of the best speeches from U.S. history.
Anyway, since it is the 4th of July this week, I thought I'd share these speeches with you. Enjoy! They are SOOOO amazing! And if you'd like to comment here is the great question of the week, "What do you love the most about being an American?" Happy Fourth of July everyone!
Give Me Liberty Or Give Me DeathMarch 23, 1775

Gettysburg Address
November 19, 1863

I Have A Dream
August 28, 1963