Now that school is out and we know that we are having a girl, I get to start doing some baby shopping. We have bought a crib and a changing table, but until I get the two rooms upstairs cleaned up they are just sitting in their boxes. As I was out doing some errands the other day I thought I'd pop into the Hallmark store and look at their Ty stuffed animals. Of all the things I need and want to get for our baby, I really wanted to get a cute stuffed animal. I found a really cute giraffe and I was almost going to get it, but the face wasn't quite right. (I know I spend way to much time picking out stuffed animals.) I looked around on the shelf some more and found a cute little bunny. As a kid I had a little bunny. I loved my bunny. I still have my bunny. I picked it up, it was so soft and so cute, and NOT PINK!!!! It seemed very appropriate that my little girl should have a bunny just like I had a bunny. So for now I have this cute little bunny sitting on my dresser reminding me of our cute little girl that is on her way.
cute bunny. What is wrong with pink? you are having a girl you'd better get used to it.
I still have like, a dozen dozen stuffed animals when I was a kid
Pink might start to grow on you. I HATED pink, before A was born. Now, it's one of my favorites (and she hates it!)
So cute. Good luck organizing and have a great time creating that nursery! Congrats on the girl!
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