CLEAR BACK, at the beginning of January, can you believe January is almost over...CRAZY! We made a big switch at our house. I have had a gym pass for ... years! But with a little baby at home going to the gym has been harder to fit in. But I am one of those people who NEEDS to go to the gym. I compare this need to the need that some women have for just a

So, long story short, thanks to good old KSL classifieds we are now that proud owners of our very own tread mill. Can I tell you how great it is to just walk upstairs and be able to run while my baby is still sleeping peacefully downstairs? The only challenge I have found is that I have to get my lazy bum out of bed, pump, run, and shower before Devin leaves for work. This means I need to wake up early. It is worth it though. I am not a die hard competitive runner. I run because, for me, it really is fun. I also enjoy listening to Conference talks, CES firesides, and anything off of the BYU Speeches website.
It is so nice

Also, I'd like to make a shout out to thank my husband and brother who lugged the tread mill up all the stairs. It made us realize that it would be near impossible to have a real piano hauled up to our house. We also decided that when we move, the tread mill will be one of the last things to go so that way everything will already be out of the way. At one point as they were taking it up the stairs we all started laughing and Devin practically ran Peter over with the big heavy thing.
Look closely at the picture of my brother being SMASHED into the wall at the top of the stairs outside our house. His face is SO funny. Thanks Emily for the great pictures!
I love having my treadmill in the house. Kyle says the same thing "once we put it down it is staying there". I am looking forward to an elliptical machine though! Enjoy being able to run whenever you want!
Yeah for your treadmill! And there is hope for a piano--Craig and I used to live on the 3rd floor of our condo and we were able to get a piano moved in--and out--of the place without any accident or injury to anyone. It was terrifying to watch the piano movers lug the big thing up the stairs--I would never have done it ourselves.
You've seen the holes in my wall from my hubby lugging the treadmill up and down the stairs.
Yay for Home Gyms!! So excited for you that you got the treadmill. You will keep loving it! We absolutely love our expanding home gym and have dreams of a bigger one someday.
Peter and I have proven that it takes two to move a treadmill. I'm actually VERY impressed that Joe was able to move it vertically by hisself. It's not an easy task with two!!
I love my treadmill. Hope yours will be as much fun and I hope that you use yours more than I use mine. we will have to go for a real run for old times sake when I am in Utah. Oh yes and Those things are heavy, Dave and I carried ours down to the basement what was I thinking.
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