Sunday, April 19, 2009

Disneyland Day #4 & 5

Thursday morning we got up early because we had "Extra Morning Magic Hours." Poor Anna, she was asleep before the bus even got there to take us to the park.
We took a quick family picture in front of the castle.
Devin stopped to say "hello" to his friend with big ears, just like his.
And then made a B-line straight for Peter Pan. Anna of course woke up for that.
We then went on Dumbo. Anna was way excited.
Sadie would just point to the elephants and say, "WEEEEEE." Anna tried, she knew those things flying around would be fun.
When they handed us our "magic feather" Anna stuck it right in her mouth. I know, SICK!!! How many children do you think have done that? And how many parents have let them keep chewing on it so they could get a picture?
We then went on the Carrousel. It was closed the first day we were there and I was delighted that it was open. I knew Anna would love it. She loved holding on the the pole.
We had to stop and see if she could pull the sword out of the stone. Maybe next time Anna.
After that we headed over to go on the Matterhorn. It is no Expedition Everest like at Animal Kingdom in Florida, but going on any ride with Mark, Tommy, and Spencer is a riot! I still can't believe that Spencer really is tall enough.
Then we went on the Finding Nemo ride. Surprise! Anna slept through it.
Sadie had fun riding on Devin's shoulders while Anna was snoozing.
Everyone who was tall enough went on the Indiana Jones ride. After that we decided to split up. That way Anna could take her time eating and we could go on more of the "little kid" rides and the boys could go do Jedi Training.
Anna took a really good nap.
So mom and dad had a really good snack! What would Disneyland be without a trip to the ice cream store.
We went and did some shopping and got Anna her Mickey ears.
We then went on the Winnie the Pooh ride.
We had some time, when there weren't a million people around, to take some good family pictures in front of the castle.
Anna met her Fairy Godmother.
We then went on a bunch of the Fantasyland rides.
Casey Jr. Circus Train
The Storybook Land Canal Boats. (Sorry just a waiting in line picture.)
We went over to "It's a Small World." But it wasn't a small line so we decided to skip that one. I must say I love watching the clock outside the ride. It is pretty amazing!

We then stopped to feed Anna. Devin thinks I look funny feeding her. Someday I'll catch him in a little of the "father" action and he will look just as silly.
After meeting up with Dave and Marthe's family we went over to Downtown Disney. I can't get over how close everything is. But they don't have the space like they do in Florida so everything has to be close. We took one quick family shot in front of California Adventure since we missed taking one the day before.
And that was about it. We had a great time! Anna loved her hat and her little Mickey.
We were all exhausted! It is quite the adventure going to Disneyland with a little baby. Anna was so good! The next day (day #5) she pretty much slept the entire way home, no joke!
I guess that means she had fun too. We made tracks as fast as we could and made it home in just under 12 hours. We look forward to going back. Anyone want to go???


Janae said...

I want to come!

Christine said...

Thanks for your posts. It is really getting me excited for our trip in 2 months. The last time we were at Disneyland John was 6 months and lets just say it was not as an enjoyable trip as yours was. I'm glad Anna was so good for you.

Nikki said...

yes! I do. I love Disney and can't wait to go back. Oh you will have so much fun when Anna gets older. It is just magical.

Kyle and Kat said...

Take us!!! I want to take the girls so bad, and Kyle has never been either. The first day we were at Disneyland I was so sick and had to stay in the hotel. I think they went on all the really good rides that day. Seriously, we are planning a trip in a couple of years, maybe we should all go!?!