Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Watch Out Here She Comes!

We bought this great little walker on KSL.com for a whopping $10. Anna has loved to just stand up in it and throw all her toys off of it or just bang them on the tray.
This week things have changed. Anna has a new favorite game.
Anna has officially learned how to make her walker move. She is so cute. She hops more than walks but it still works to get her where she wants to go. Our life will never be the same.


Lori said...

What a cutie!!!!!!!!! i love the last picture with that cute smile!

Kyle and Kat said...

I can't wait to see her! She is growing up so fast!
Once they are on the move life is never the same!!

Nikki said...

How fun. Walkers are great! If you have any stairs though block them off, Ammon fell down the stairs in his when he was little. Oh what a great mom I am.