Thursday, July 16, 2009

Will Drag for Paper

Anna has been learning how to crawl. It is more just dragging herself across the floor than actual crawling. Funny how toys won't get her to do anything, but if you stick a piece of paper or any kind of wrapper out and she does all she can to get it.


Kathy said...

Adorable! They grow up WAY too fast.

Lori said...

Cute Anna!!!

Sarah said...

That is an advanced "Army Crawl." She is getting really good at it! Pretty soon she will be up on those knees! She makes really cute sounds. Quite the talker.

Kyle and Kat said...

She is getting so big! I can't wait to see her next weekend. I am glad you put videos on, it is nice to see all the things we are missing. Before you know it she is going to be going places and getting into everything!

Lael said...

It is such fun to watch her enthusiastically scooting across the floor. This new chapter is going to be full of lots of great adventures! Enjoy every moment.