Sunday, August 23, 2009

Nothing But A Few Somethings

Today....I have nothing new and exciting to report. Except the fact that we have been waging a war with bedtime this last week and we are winning!!!! Tonight Anna cried until Devin shut the door and she hasn't made a peep since. Much, much better than the 2 hours we were dealing with a week ago. I guess that is exciting! That really is something to be excited about.

Also, Anna has mastered the art of clapping. She loves to clap. Often she starts clapping while we are praying. Funny kid!

She can now sit up from her tummy all by herself without having to pull herself up on anything. Way to go Anna!

I don't have pictures of any of those things but here are a few really cute random pictures.
On a sad sad sad sad note, my brother and his family moved back up to Logan this last week. They have been living at my mom's house all summer. We have LOVED having them so close. We are really going to miss them. Anna has had so much fun playing with Zach and Elizabeth. I really just don't know what we are going to do without them close by.
Anna loves playing with Zach.
I think Zach loves playing with Anna too.


Nikki said...

Getting baby to sleep on their own just takes a little time. Soon you will put her in there and she will go right to sleep. And then she will move to a big bed and you start all over again.

Lori said...

way to go with showing anna who is boss with her sleeping schedule!

and very sweet pic of anna with her cousin. i can understand how it makes you sad

Young Family said...

We are winning the war too!

Kathy said...

Way to go Anna!

LyndiLou said...

I love the small and simple things we do in our "grown up" worlds are such an awesome accomplishment in a baby's world!!! :) It makes me realize how much it takes to really become our best selves! You are one great Mom... keep up the good work!

Janae said...

Braxton's winning the war at our home! He's not going to bed when we want him to.