Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Saturday Sampler #2

Today I learned how to "pop the seams." I learned this as I was working on my quilt blocks for my Saturday Sampler class. I've always wanted to know how to make the seams flat when there are lots of them connecting. Apparently there is this technique in which you "pop the seams" and the seams lay flat and don't get bunched up. You sew your four patch and then just twist and "pop" the seams. It made me nervous because you really have to twist. I'm not use to pulling at my blocks like that. After four blocks I think I have it down.

So here they are the next four blocks in my mystery quilt.
After "popping the seams" even the back looks pretty good.
Can you see how flat it is?????
Really, it is pretty cool! Though I must admit this block had me a bit confused at times trying to remember which way to twist to have it lay flat.


Janae said...

I've never learned how to pop the seams. You'll have to teach me since I haven't been able to come to the quilting group ever. Your quilt looks great!

Kathy said...

It looks great! You will have to show us at quilt club.

marilyn said...

Great job! Now I know who to call when I have a question about popping those seams. I guess I better get them made this weekend. So glad for 3 days!