Sunday, September 13, 2009

Utah State Fair

I can't help but think of Tempelton when I think of the fair. Thursday was opening day at the Utah State Fair. The best part was that it only cost $2 for everyone 5 years old and up. My sister Marie and her four boys, Megan and Phebe, and Anna and I all took advantage of this great deal. We had lots of fun looking at the animals.

Anna really liked looking at the pigs. Maybe it was because they were down on her level?
They had a cool Lego display set up where the kids could build stuff and go to different stations. Anna loved the free lanyard that they gave us. She loved handing it to the people so they could stick the sticker on for each station we went to, and she chewed on it the rest of the day.
Phebe just loved watching everything with her beautiful big eyes.
All the kids love the little farm play area.
We were delighted that it wasn't busy at all! The kids had a great time. There is always so much too see and do at the fair. We just love it!


Anjella said...

We were going to try to go that day too BUT we didn't make it, so...we are going to try to go Wednesday. Looks like you had fun!

LyndiLou said...

Ohhh... I'm still hoping to get up there!!! :) Looks like fun!

Lael said...

Wish I could have been there. Looks like they all had fun!