Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Peter's Fountain

My mom found these great pictures of my little brother 15 years ago in front of his treasured fountain in my mom's backyard.

Peter loved this fountain. He has always had a fascination with fountains. Anywhere we went if there was a fountain he would spend way too much time looking at it and trying to figure out how it worked. He was delighted when my mom put a fountain in the back corner of her yard. He now had his own fountain to play with.

Fast-forward 15 years. It is not a surprise that the fountain has been a little neglected over the years. Peter's family lived at my mom's house over the summer, and Peter was determined to resurrect his beloved fountain. Working full time didn't stop him from finding time to work on his fountain. The crazy kid was out there working on it until all weird hours of the night. He may be old and bigger, but he still loves his fountain and now he has cool toys to help him construction lights to make working until 11pm possible.

He worked his tail off and was able to get the fountain finished just before they moved back up to Logan. He did an amazing job.

Now his son Zach can fall in love with fountains too.


David Henderson said...


Lori said...

beautiful fountain!!!!! they are pretty cool!

LyndiLou said...

Wow!!! How awesome is that!!!