Sunday, November 8, 2009

Halloween 2009

Here they are! Finally pictures of our Little Red Riding Hood. Her costume turned out great! Anna didn't mind walking around with her cloak. It was perfect that she has started walking because she looks so cute walking around in her costume.

It was fun trick-or-treating. It was perfect weather. We ended up just stopping and talking with our friends. Devin got a lot of great candy. Anna really enjoyed herself.


Kathy said...

You did a great job! She looks adorable!

Nikki said...

very cute. Just wait til she's about 2 and wants to wear dress-up clothes all day long. That is the best!

Janae said...

She is so cute! Thanks for trick-or-treating at our home!

LyndiLou said...

The costume is adorable... you did an amazing job!!! You should have stopped by over here so we could load you up on treats that we STILL have! :P

Stacey said...

I found your blog! No, this is not Andrew, it's Stace. I can't figure out how to change that. Let me change that, I haven't taken the time to figure it out:)

Leslie said...

she's a perfect red riding hood!