Sunday, January 10, 2010

Disney World 2010!

Last week my family went on our big Disney World trip. We have been planning this trip for years. Who would have thought that Florida would be experiencing record breaking low temperatures. We all bundled up and had a blast! There were 20 of us, 11 kids 8 years old and younger...we were quite the sight. I am hoping to blog in more detail about each day's adventures. (Which means I need to get all the pictures off Devin's camera, so it might take a few days.) For now here are just a few of my favorite pictures from my camera.

Did you see Anna's new favorite face? She makes that look ALL the time.


Lael said...

Thanks for giving us a great start of photos from our Florida / Arctic adventure. I knew I was training for something important last summer in the freezing cold at Girl's Camp.

This afternoon I typed up some of the fun comments we wrote down. My personal favorite was Mark's said to the tune of 12 days of Christmas: "3 crying boys, 2 screaming children and a baby in a playpen..."

Nikki said...

How fun!! I bet there weren't many lines. I love Disney World. we are planning to go back in 2 years when Noah is 11. Wait did I just say 11? Glad you had a fun time can't wait to see the rest of the pictures.

Lori said...

Very fun to see the start of your DisneyWorld pictures! Way to go on the running, Julie and Devin! Anna is cute as always!

Sarah said...

I feel so bad that you went down at such a cold time!! It is never that cold in January!! You were down there for your honeymopn 3 years ago and it was nice!! My poor mom thinks it is is VERY cold!!! She has to bundle up in layers since she does not own a coat. But I think she has been staying inside waiting for the warm weather to come back!! I think it is funny that you having no relatives in Florid and did this trip-and we are yet to attempt Disney World with all of our family(Clayburn)-when we have a place to stay. This year we are all getting together and staying a week down at Cocoa Beach. Maybe in a couple more years we will do the Disney World as a huge family!!

Melissa Giles said...

So? How was the marathon!?!?

Erica said...

how fun - looks like you guys had a blast! it is the happiest place on earth :)