Saturday, February 20, 2010

A Chair

Anna loves to sit on...everything.  She sits on boxes, stools, and anything else she can pull herself up on.  She also enjoys sitting in things.  It doesn't matter how small or large a box is, she will find a way to sit in it. (Not the best picture of Anna.)
Last week we got Anna a real chair.  Thank you IKEA for the hours of entertainment you have brought our daughter!  She will now drag her rocking chair all over the house and just sit and rock.  She will read books, eat snacks, or just sit and cuddle with her animals in the chair.  Funny how much joy a simple chair can bring.
This last picture in not the best, but I was taking in from down the hall.   It shows how cute she is just reading in her chair when no one else is around.


Lori said...

Anna's chair is so cute! And how cute is Anna sitting in her chair reading.

LyndiLou said...

Ohhh you DO have to love IKEA!!! What a perfect little chair for your sweet little girl!