Sunday, March 14, 2010

When It's Cold Outside

We had a really warm week a few weeks ago. It was so nice to go outside and to play. But we are in Utah and that means a week of warm weather followed by a week of cold weather.
To help us overcome our desire to be outside we have been doing a lot of fun things inside.
Anna loves to color. It doesn't last long and usually she spends more time organizing her crayons than actually coloring in her book. We color quite often at our house. To change things up we introduced Anna to the wonderful world of finger painting. Anna had a blast! As you can see she even tried to eat some of the paint. Don't worry, it was just flour, water, and food coloring.
We also spend lots of time driving our cars around the house. Dad is SO much better at making car noises than mom is. We made a road on the floor with masking tape one night. We tried to get her to drive the car on the road. Anna was not interested in staying within the lines at all.
And a new favorite is making blanket tents or blanket houses. The static makes Anna's hair awesome!
What do you like to do with your kids when it is cold outside? Any ideas for a 16-month-old?

1 comment:

Lori said...

i love anna's static hair! that is so cool! She is such a beautiful little girl! So fun that you do so many fun things with her.