Sunday, July 4, 2010

MY Eagle Scout

You know that "list" you make over and over in Young Women's of the qualities that you are looking for in a future husband? Every girl has made a list like that. I kept my list, added to it, and changed it as I got older. One thing that was always on my list was that I wanted to marry an Eagle Scout. I knew this was something that was really important to my dad, so it was important to me. As I dated guys I really did notice a difference between those who were Eagle Scouts and those who were not. When we were dating I was delighted to find out that Devin was an Eagle Scout.
Devin has lots of "tubs" of all his stuff from when he was a kid all the way until after his mission. One of these tubs had all of Devin's scout's stuff in it. I always felt bad that his scout stuff was just stuffed in a tub. A few months ago I saw an AMAZING display box that my friend Kristen did for her son when he got his Arrow of Light. I new that is what I wanted to do with all of Devin's stuff. So for Father's Day I finally got everything together. A big thanks to Kristen for helping me and giving me lots of tips. Devin was really surprised and loved it. Now we just need to find a good place to hang it up.
I don't think Devin knew when he was earning all of these patches how proud his wife would be of him. It was fun to put all of the patches together and think about all the things he learned. I sometimes wonder how Devin knows so much about so many things. I think I'd be safe to say that he learned a lot of it from scouting. Way to go Devin! As cheesey as it sounds, I really do love MY Eagle Scout.


db said...

No, the hair isn't fake. I really used to have hair.

Vic and Kathy Baldwin said...

Wow! this is neat - when do you wnat to start on my patches. I have so many that I want to make a quilt - I have to do it before I forget where I earned them because I want to put them on blocks (each block a different phase of my scouting adventures)

Kristen said...

WOW! It turned out so great!! Very impressive!!