Sunday, November 28, 2010


Since Nicholas and I get to stay home from church for a few weeks, I am hoping to catch up on my blog and pictures and nice quite Sunday projects like that. We'll see how it goes. :)
Today's update on our little family of four could be summed up in one word. Sleep. We are trying to get as much of it as we can get. As you can see from the following pictures.
I was able to come home from the hospital on Friday, YEAH!!!!!!! I can't stand being cooped up. I don't care how much hospital food has changed (It was really good you could order whatever you wanted, the pizza was amazing!!!!!) I was ready to come home. I missed my little Anna. I missed my bed. I missed my shower. I just like being home and feeling somewhat independent. It has been so nice to be home, to play and read stories and color with my little girl again. We started setting up Christmas stuff yesterday. We didn't get very far, but at least the tree is up.

Anna is getting use to having a little brother around and Devin and I are learning how to tag-team life with two kids. There is a lot to figure out. Meal time, bath time, and bed time are tricky. Any suggestions on how to make these run smooth would be greatly appreciated. We have a perfect bedtime routine with Anna, that both Devin and I are involved in. We love it. But how do you do that with two kids with two different bedtime schedules?? (Not that Nicholas even has a set schedule yet.)

That's about it. Maybe I should get some sleep instead of taking time to blog. I'm funny, getting things done on my to do list makes me feel just as good as a nap. ...sometimes.


Vic and Kathy Baldwin said...

My best advice - forget the schedule - it will never happen. HaHa! Just when you think you have it figured out, it changes! Just love them - that is the most important thing

Kathy said...

He is adorable! The thing that has helped me is to not worry about it. Let it calm down first and then work on getting things sorted out. I always waited until my baby slept through the night before I got involved in bath time. I was always the story reader.

Melissa Giles said...

Well,even if Nick doesn't go to bed at the same time, he can still be there... I bet he would enjoy it. So long as it's you family rutine. If Nick goes to bed before Anna, I bet she would love to sing him special song, then when she goes to bed she gets her own. Just a thought... you know I have no experience:)

Lori said...

such a cute little cuddly boy! glad you have some mommy-son time together.

Sarah said...

Who ever got you that blue blanket-is AWESOME-because those types of blankets are the BEST to swaddle little babies in.( I was actually thinking of buying you one) I think your little son looks so precious! I love the socks on his hands:) And for learning how to adjust to two will adjust much faster then you think. Just give it some time. For right now, just relax:)

Kyle and Kat said...

I would suggest including him in everything, but also making sure Anna has her alone time with both of you. As for a routine- that won't happen for a couple of months, but still attempt just to keep Anna regular.
He is so cute! I can't wait to hold him!!
Glad you were able to go home Friday. We missed you guys for Thanksgiving!

Lael said...

What a precious time you have with little Nicholas, a newborn baby boy, during this Christmas season. Spending time cuddling him and telling Anna about that first Christmas long ago definitely takes precedence over any schedules or routines. I still remember the very special Christmas I had when Peter was a newborn baby. This is a time worth savoring!

Marthe Henderson said...

I suggest just let it happen. Go with the flow. Once a routine with Nick is established then it gets a little easier. We have found that the best thing is that bed time is the same time for everyone. It takes us a good 1 - 1 1/2 hours to get all our kids in bed. We read scriptures and sing a song, then baths, books, more songs, prayers and kisses. Sadie is always in bed first and Mark is always last, but the routine starts for all of them at the same time. I know some day it might change, but for now it works! Oh and at our house bed time is mostly for Dave. I get to spend all day with the kids, so it's kind of their time together with mom just being their to put out any fires.

Nikki said...

It is hard to schedule around a newborn. They seem to always need to eat right when you sit done at the the table to eat. Things will settle down in a few months and then you can work on scheduling a routine. For the meantime get as much rest as you can. I loved Sunday's when everyone went to church, and the babe and I would stay home. That is when I would nap, and shower. It will get easier. Hang in there. The best advice I ever received was to do the necessities, and leave the rest.

Jenny said...

Julie! Congratulations on your sweet little boy! I can't believe how big Anna is! It's been a long time, how are you doing?