Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Nicholas's Baby Blessing

January 9th we had Nicholas' baby blessing.  It was a good day and the blessing was very nice.  It was nice to have a chance to visit with family.  We had lots of good visiting time Saturday.
Anna had fun trying on Cindy's vest.
We also went to Pizza Factory Saturday night.  I am grateful that Nicholas slept through the whole meal.
Anna slept through quite a bit of dinner, but woke up in time to enjoy one of their delicious bread sticks.
This last Sunday we finally took the time to take some pictures of Nicholas in his baby blessing outfit.  Here are my top 5 favorite pictures.

And here is my favorite picture of those who were helping take the pictures.  Anna really likes to try and make Nicholas smile.
After taking pictures in Nicholas's baby blessing outfit, we thought it would be fun to take pictures of Nicholas in Devin's baby blessing outfit.  Too bad Nicholas is WAY bigger than his daddy.  This is about as far as we could go without putting the outfit in danger and making Nicholas really mad.
Too bad it didn't fit, it would have been cute to get a picture of him in the same outfit his daddy was blessed in.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

He is so cute!! He has such the sweetest smile! And your husband has quite the camera! (I know...he is a professional:) Hope you are doing well with two cute kids! Oh-and I loved the last picture...yep not going to fit.