Friday, February 25, 2011


Nicholas has awesome hair.  He was know in the hospital as "the one with the hair."  I think it would be safe to say that he is also known as "the kid with the hair" in our ward.
Well, truth be told, the "hair" has been driving me nuts lately.  We have decided that he has become a mix of MacGyver, Luke Skywalker and an old man with one wicked comb over.  Today I bit the bullet.  Good bye...

And hello...

He was so good!  I just held him and hacked away with the clippers.  As long as the clippers were humming away he was perfectly happy.
It is nice to have his hair so even all around.  I gave him a bath after so all the little hairs would be gone and wouldn't be itchy.  It was WONDERFUL to just dry him off and tada! his hair was done.  The last few weeks I would spend way too much time trying to figure out how to comb his hair so it wouldn't look funny...and then it would dry and look funny no matter what I did.  We no longer have that problem.  Nicholas is one clean cut kid.  I wonder how many hair cuts I'll give him before he is a year old?


Young Family said...

He looks so handsome. Hopefully he has better hair than my boys. Hayden has ridiculous cowlicks and Parkers sticks up in the back.

Lori said...

What a cute boy! He likes his fist or passifier in his mouth at all times, I see.

Melissa Giles said...

He looks like a little future missionary!

Kyle and Kat said...

I think he looks so cute! I like the cut.

LyndiLou said...

Awww... it looks great! :D Did you save any of it for his baby book? Be sure to keep track of how many hair cuts you give him, that will be fun to look back on. Good job!

Unknown said...

It looks good! Great job!

Sarah said...

He looks so handsome!! He looks like a little man!! He grew up just after a haircut!! I am going to guess he will have 4 more haircuts before he turns 1.

Nikki said...

he looks so handsome! And Ruby doesn't even have that much hair yet