Sunday, March 27, 2011

Good Bye Mr. Dishwasher!

When we were looking to buy a house we knew that there would probably be things that we would need to repair and replace. We knew we wouldn't find a "perfect" home, and we were ok with that. We have a savings account for "home" things. We have made a list of what we would like to repair and replace in our home. It is fun to talk about what improvements we would like to make on our home. And it is fun to save up for those things. We know that some things are fun things that would be nice to do and other things are really important and need to get done as soon as possible. Enter exhibit A...
Hate is a strong word, but not strong enough for how I feel about Mr. Dishwasher. I knew when we looked at the house that this guy was old and not the best, but oh man if I only knew. Devin and I have both lived in places with cheep dishwashers, dishwashers that have been used and used and used and that are on their last leg. This guy makes all of those dishwashers look great. My biggest gripe was that no matter how you loaded the dishwasher, no matter how you thought you had anchored stuff down, everything would get flipped over. Ok, not everything, but a lot. Not just plastic stuff either. We took a picture of a classic flip job.
See the orange cup completely filled with water. That is just one example. I learned that you need to unload the bottom rack first and then unload the top because so many things were filled with water that it was impossible to unload it without the water spilling on the bottom.
I won't go into all the other things we hated about Mr. Dishwasher. It did not take long to move "replace dishwasher" to the top of our "home improvement" list.
We have been looking around and finally made the big purchase last Saturday. Did you know a dishwasher would fit in the back of my Subaru? I didn't, but it did. Devin had fun ripping the old dishwasher out and putting the new one in. Anna of course had fun helping.

After .... a while, and some good instruction reading, we now have a new QUIET dishwasher that cleans dishes, and well...makes all my dishwasher dreams come true.
Thanks to Uncle Sam for the nice Tax Return and our new friend. We love him!


mylittlegems said...

too funny- I have to laugh because we bought a brand new house that we had built, and the first thing we did is trade the dishwasher! We bought a nice one that actually cleaned dishes too :) *(the builder grade one...well that thing was a piece of you know what :)) It is amazing how a dishwasher can make you feel so happy!! :)
Hope you are enjoying you two sweet little ones!

Lori said...

beautiful new dishwasher! Love it!

Nikki said...

Lovely! There is nothing like a new dishwasher. We had to get a new one this year also, I know all about the flipping dishes :) And then just last week our new one broke. It is amazing how much easier a dishwasher makes life!

LyndiLou said...

A good dishwasher is SUCH a nice friend to have! :) I'm glad it didn't take long to cross that off you list! ;)