Sunday, April 24, 2011

Mobile Moments March 2011

I know, it's almost the end of April and I'm finally getting around to doing my mobile moments for March. My excuse is that I got a new phone so I had some pictures on my old phone and some on my new phone and ....well you get the idea.
Here's March's adventures.

It has been getting warmer and we have been enjoying life outside.
Anna loves to do sidewalk chalk. I guess having a basketball court is good for something.

Anna loves to spend time reading about our favorite place in the world...Disney World.
We were glad to get our taxes done. BLAH!!! Glad to mail those off.
Grandma's house is a fun place to listen to stories with cousins. I am glad that they don't spend the whole day running around crazy. Thank you books for giving us a little bit of quite time.
Anna is a great helper in the kitchen. She loves to help make bread because she likes to play in the wheat...something I never did as a kid. Much less messy than playing in the flour.
With March comes St. Patrick's Day. And with St. Patrick's Day comes flying leprechauns on brooms.
Anna is always making funny faces and loves to play with her Minnie Mouse.

Anna loves to read books. Lately she wants to read MY books. I was looking through a cook book one day and she took it because she just had to read it. Silly girl flipped through every page. Nothing looked good I guess.
We had a wonderful 68 degree day. It was SOOO nice. I can't wait until it stays warm.
Nicholas is getting so cute. He loves to smile for the camera.
Anna learned to play Twister with her cousins. They didn't really get it, but they sure had fun stepping on the dots.
Someone, we won't name any names, decided to be really helpful and throw socks all over the floor instead of helping to match them like they usually do.
Anna has discovered that many things can fit in the swing. Blocks are fun, you can fit a lot of blocks in the swing.
We have had fun playing with Nicholas's hair. Don't worry I didn't leave it like this.
We still spend lots of time listening to stories.
Scrubbing potatoes has become one of Anna's new jobs. She doesn't mind, she loves having an excuse to play in the sink with the water turned on.
Anna loves playing the piano. It is fun to be working in the kitchen and hear Anna in "playing" the piano.
I couldn't resist the temptation to buy Anna a dollar set of paints. Now when Nicholas goes down for his afternoon nap Anna will look at me and say, "Can we go paint now?"
Nicholas and I spend lots of time hanging out together. I've gotten really good at putting things in the oven, without putting him in the oven.
There are many times throughout the day that I "lose" Anna. I just don't know where she went!
Anna got a set of blocks for Christmas when she was one. I love that she still plays with them on a daily basis. You can do so many things with blocks. Who needs dolls, give us some blocks!!!

One of Anna's new favorite places to hang out is the stairs. She fits pretty nicely.
Nicholas just hangs out most days.
Devin and Anna love to read books. I'm glad we have great places to snuggle up and read.
I still can't cut bread. Someday I'll get a cutting board that has lines on it so I can cut my bread evenly.
I like to wrap Anna up like a burrito and she likes to try and get out. Great fun!
We splurged and bought Tangled. We don't really buy movies, but this one we just had to own. It is such a good show. I love it when Anna turns to me and says, "You comin' blondie?"
Anna got a new dress from Marthe. Anna calls it her Cinderella dress. She loves to wear this dress to church, but keeps asking for something to go in her hair and she wants glass slippers to wear with it.
Nicholas successfully "blew-out" of all of his clothing when we were at Grandma's house one time. He is one happy boy when he doesn't have any clothes on.
Anna and Liz love playing together. If you ask Anna who her best friend is, she usually says Grandma or Liz.
I've been having more time to quilt, which is nice. Anna loves to play with the scraps of material. She made train tracks one day. They are pretty cool looking.
By the end of March my flowers were starting to come up in my yard. It has been so much fun watching stuff pop up. I planted a bunch of tulips, so the daffodils were such a great surprise.
And there my friends is March 2011. Good times!


Peter and Emily said...

You should just draw lines onto your cutting board.

Love the pictures.

Sarah said...

I loved this post!! I too can't cut bread correctly....Just so many cute pictures!! Your kids are adorable!!

Kyle and Kat said...

I can show you how to make hair bows.