Saturday, May 21, 2011

Mobile Moments April 2011

Here are 60+ things that we did in the month of April.
I was happy to finally fit into my favorite pair of jeans. Yes, they have big holes in them, but I love them.
The weather warmed up and I've been wearing my Chacos as much as possible.
With the warm weather comes walks. Anna loves to ride her bike and Nicholas loves riding in the stroller.
Nicholas likes to ride/sleep in the stroller.
Anna likes to push Nicholas in the stroller.
We pulled out the highchair because Nicholas has started eating rice cereal and oatmeal. He loves being part of meal time.
Anna and Nicholas both like helping make dinner.
I finally got brave and have started taking the kids grocery shopping by myself. I love Costco's big shopping carts. I can't wait until Nicholas can sit up so I don't have to lug the dumb car seat around.
We bought a bike trailer so mom can get her biking fix. Anna loves to ride in the trailer, Nicholas will too as soon as he gets that sitting up thing down.
Nicholas is a happy little boy. He loves to drool. So he gets to wear a bib sometimes. The only problem is his neck is so big, most bibs don't fit.
Anna and I love to play kitchen/store while Nicholas is sleeping. You never know what is going to be on sale or what fantastic meal Anna is going to cook. It is a new adventure every time.
We have been exploring the wonders of sponge curlers. Anna likes to play with them. She also likes to brush her hair when I pull them out. As you can see we are still trying to figure them out.
I have been enjoying my flowers from my garden SOOOO much. I am a simple girl. A few flowers in a vase is just right for me.

One day Anna comes up to me with her frying pan in hand and says, "I've got a person in my closet!" If you have seen Tangled I'm sure you laughed as hard as I did.
Nicholas has figured out how to stick things in his mouth. EVERYTHING goes in his mouth these days. Poor Mr. Cardinal!
Anna and Nicholas love to spend time together. Nicholas LOVES watching Anna. And she LOVES to take care of her brother.
One day I heard Anna making a lot of noise in her room. When I got done feeding Nicholas I found Anna with a big mess. I guess she was looking for something...too bad she didn't find what she was looking for.
Somedays I wonder why I even bother fixing Anna's hair. It usually ends up like this.
We play hard at our house. And by dinner time Anna and Nicholas are ready to go to sleep. Anna often falls asleep at dinner. One night both Anna and Nicholas fell asleep at dinner. We ate dinner without any kids awake. That was weird and nice.

Nicholas loves his grandma time.
Anna has found a new love, Beatrix Potter books. (I love them too!!!) The best was one night when she prayed that Jeremy Fisher could be safe. I love hearing her talk about Squirrel Nutkin and Peter Rabbit.
Picnics are always a good excuse to get dressed up. We have lots of indoor picnics.
With the warm weather Anna and I have had more time to ride our bikes. You should see Anna cruse around on her bike, SHE IS FAST!!! When Nicholas takes a nap we love to ride our bikes in the cul de sac.

Anna loves to take pictures with Daddy's camera.
Anything is more fun with Anna's cousin Sadie. The girls had a great time riding the horse.
I pulled out the Easter baskets a few weeks early so Anna could play with them. We spent hours hiding and finding empty eggs, which made it even more exciting when there was candy in them Easter morning.
Anna takes very good care of her monkey. Monkey needed some time in the swing one day and Anna need to watch him closely so he wouldn't fall out.
Dancing with Dad. Good times!
Story time with Dad is always the best.
Sometimes the piano bench is just a good spot to think.
Another day of playing hard and napping hard.
Nicholas loves the exer-saucer. There are so many cool toys to play with. Anna loves spinning him around.

Why can't my kids sit this still in sacrament meeting?? They love being traced.
Nicholas makes a pretty cute cowboy.
Nicholas loves to eat. If you aren't feeding him fast enough he sure lets you know it.
Anna taking another break.
Anna was very excited to paint Easter Eggs. She liked to pretend to paint them.
Nicholas always has a good smile for the camera.
Anna loves to pull out the ruler and measure herself. She knows that when she is 42" she gets to go to Disneyland.
Anna loves Fairies. She loves watching Tinkerbell and all her friends.
Nicholas likes playing on the floor. Anna likes to try and pick Nicholas up off the floor. It doesn't really work.

When I asked Anna what she was building she said, "Mommy I'm building a skating rink." It's in her blood.
More sleeping Anna.
I love when Nicholas really concentrates on a toy. The look on his face is great!
Anna was sick this month. Poor girl just slept a ton. She did like taking her temperature. She also liked just hanging out. Watching movies isn't a bad thing.

Nicholas loves his toes. He has figured out how to pull off one of his socks so he can feel his toes better.
Nicholas really likes it when Devin holds him up and turns around as Nicholas balances on Devin's hand.

Anna and Nicholas love riding in the double long as it isn't too far.
I got my planter box all cleaned out. I should have taken a before picture. It was quite the little jungle.
Nicholas likes playing with his cousin Abigail. I don't know what they were so excited about, but it must have been something cool.

April 30th we had an amazing snow storm. We woke up to quite a bit of snow. Anna made the most of it. Her snow man turned out pretty cute. (Thanks to Daddy's great idea for the flowers in the hair.)

Like most kids Anna could spend hours playing with pens and tracing her hands.
Shadows are also a source of hours of entertainment.
As you can see, once again we have had a very fun busy month.

1 comment:

Peter said...

Wow, you weren't joking when you said 60 things. I, of course, didn't read everything, but I did count 66 pictures.