Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween 2011

We love Halloween at our house.
I really do enjoy making costumes for everyone, especially when it is all over and I can sit back and see how cute they all look.
Anna really wanted to be Tinkerbell.  But not just any Tinkerbell.  She wanted to be Tinkerbell like in the Tinkerbell and the Lost Treasure movie.  So I was trying to make a costume that looked like this.
And this is what I came up with.
Not bad. I think she looked pretty cute.
Nicholas was our little turtle.

I guess you could say we were going for a green theme this year.

Devin was Dobby.  His team at work did a Harry Potter theme.  So Devin got to be the world's biggest House Elf.  (He won 3rd place for Funniest Costume.  I guess shaving his head was worth $15.) Anna loves going to Devin's work Halloween party. She gets twice as much candy from that as she does from trick-or-treating in half the time.
Halloween night my brother Peter and his family came over to our great neighborhood for trick-or-treating.  Look close in the picture at our pumpkins this is the only picture we took that has them in it.  Devin carved Tinkerbell for Anna and it looks fantastic.
 The weather was AMAZING!!!!!  I don't remember the weather ever being this nice. The kids got lots of candy and had even more fun passing it out.
Emily made yummy doughnuts and everything turned out great!  On to next year.  I think we are pretty much decided on what Nicholas will be, Anna .... not completely sure yet. :)  


Mary Ann said...

Cute costumes! I absolutely LOVE the crawling turtle. :)

Kyle and Kat said...

I laughed so hard at the giant Dobby!!

Melissa Giles said...

Oh, my goodness you did great!!!
Love that Turtle! Anna you are so cute!!!

Missy said...

Love their costumes! Great job. Nick looks like a turtle too. ;) glad you found my blog and that you have one too.