Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Book Worms

I sometimes look at all the stuff other people get done and I wonder, what is my problem, why can't I get as much stuff done?
I think one of the reasons is I live with two extremely cute book worms.  I have a hard time not dropping everything when a cute little person comes up to me with a book.  Nothing is better than snuggling and reading.

Nicholas has become quite the book worm lately.  I love it when they get past the pulling all the books off the shelf stage.  We are now at the pull the books off the shelf and sit and look at them stage.  Yeah!!!

Anna is starting to figure out how reading works.  She knows quite a few sight words and is now able to read a few simple books.
There is always a favorite book at the Baldwin house.  The new favorite book is The Monster at the End of This Book.  It would be safe to say that this book is read at least 4 times a day.  I don't mind, it is such a cute book.

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