Saturday, April 7, 2012


Anna has started taking dance lessons.  She would say, "It is the highlight of my life!"  She wishes every day was Thursday, because that means she gets to go to dance with Miss Maddie.  Anna is not a girly girl at all, but she loves wearing her dance clothes.
She also loves the fact that her cousin Liz is in the class with her.  It is fun for me to drive the girls.  I love listening to them talk.  It is fun to drill them about what they did in class.

I am very excited for their concert in May.  The concert is based on one of my favorite children's books called The Empty Pot by Demi.
This is the story that I read to my class on the first day of school every year.  I love the book it has such a great message.
Anna is working on two dances.  One she is a little Chineses girl (in a pretty stinkin' cute dress I must say) and the other dance she is a butterfly.

So if you will be in town May 25th and 26th  come see some cute little girls dance.