Saturday, May 12, 2012

A BIG Day!

Back in June of 2010 a cute little girl got her first bike.  Remember this?
After almost two years of cruising around on her Strider bike we finally bought her a bike with pedals.  We were hesitant to just let her go without the training wheels, so she has had the training wheels for a few months.  She needed to figure out how to pedal.   A few weeks ago I tried to convince Anna to take the training wheels off.  Our neighbor even took them off for her.  But she didn't want to do it without her Dad.  Today we had time and Devin took the training wheels off.  Sorry for the far away video, but you get to watch the first take off and it is beautiful!!!
She did great!!!!!  We are so proud of her. We are both grinning from ear to ear.  The Strider bike has been fantastic.  We have loved it.  Now it is Nicholas's turn.  He is loving the bike too!
Happy Biking Everyone!!!


Briant Giles said...

Wow! Anna looked great, and Devin looked exhausted!

Melissa Giles said...

Way to go ANNA!! I'm so proud of you! I almost got tears in my eyes watching Devin help his little girl learn to ride a bike without training wheels! So sweet! What a good daddy! I kinda want to bring my bike down and ride bikes with you all!

Lori said...

Good job, Anna! And Nicholas looks like he is ready to get moving on his bike in no time!!!

Lael said...

I keep trying to remind myself that she is only 3 years old. I don't think I have every known a child that could ride without training wheels at such a young age. Pretty impressive!

Sarah said...

AWESOME!! Yes, the bike before helped her with her balance, which is all kids need to learn. Way to go Anna!! Very impressive!!