Saturday, June 23, 2012

Mobile Moments April

You know that month April?  The one that was a couple months back?  Well, here are my fun phone pictures from April. :)
During General Conference Devin pulled out his handcuffs (not sure why) and let Anna play with them.  She had a great time.
Anna loved making little Easter Bunnies for some of her friends and teachers.  
Now that Anna is in dance, I get some good quality "Nick" time each week.  He is my bud, and I love him to pieces.  One of our favorite things to do is park the car and throw a golf ball up and down the parking lot.  (You can see it in his hand.)  He also likes to play with the rocks.  
Nicholas has become quite the bike rider.  He has caught on a lot faster than Anna.  I would say 90% of that is due to having so much more space to ride.  He loves riding his bike and wearing his helmet. 
Anna loves to paint.  We try and do fun craft / art projects while Nicholas is sleeping in the afternoon.  I am grateful that you can print off so many coloring pages on the interent.  Anna just tells me what she wants to paint and I can print it off.  It works pretty slick.
Devin decided to take Nicholas for a bike ride...a very short bike ride.  I don't know how he could balance Nick and ride his bike on the grass and not fall over.  It was a very short ride.
We watched our nephew Andrew for a few days.  Even though Nicholas and Andrew are a good 6 months apart, they are about the same size.  They had lots of fun together.  

Anna loves the Kindle way too much!!  I am glad that she likes to do so many other things.  But I am sure if I handed her the Kindle in the morning she would be good all day.  No chance of that ever happening, but every once and a while for a reward she gets to play on the Kindle for a while.  
We have been trying to have Anna do more "jobs" around the house.  She really wanted to vacuum one day.  Funny that she is scared to death of the vacuum, but she has no problem with it if she is the one pushing it around.
The boys having some quality "Computer Nerd" time.  Java? PHP?  You are never too young right?
Anna's "bread and butter" is doing the FHE lesson.  She loves to read scriptures, sing songs, and tell stories with pictures.  She was practicing her lesson about Alma, Amulek, and Zeezrom. 
There are those wonderful moments when my children decided that they are best friends and they have so much fun playing together.  For some reason this usually happens when the wooden blocks come out.  Unfortunately, the blocks make great weapons, so block time is not always peaceful.  
Anna's friend Avery came over one day and they had so much fun making tents and cooking in their tents.  
Anna's friend Korver has one of those really cool Power Wheel Jeeps.  She loves it when he takes her for a ride.  I like to tease her that she looks like she is going on a date with Korver because he will come over and pick her up in his Jeep.  She doesn't get it at all.  They sure look cute together and they have SOOO much fun.
Nicholas does some funny things.  If you look closely in this picture you will see that he is picking up his cup with his fork.  This is usually accompanied by him singing "Happy Birthday."  Not sure why he does this, but it is cute. 
My boy likes bananas.  Too bad he has no control with food.  Someday he will learn that we are not going to take his food away from him and that he doesn't have to shove it all in his mouth at once.  
We love to shop at Macey's.  Twice a year they have their big Case Lot Sale.  Case Lot Sale means it is time to inventory all of our food storage. Anna was a great help.  She loved taking inventory with her clip board.  She looks quite official. 

You never know what a fairy will find in the curtains. 
I love this picture of Anna playing soccer.  She loves kicking the ball around.  
I love doing Math activities with Anna.  We made a bar graph one day with all of the Legos.  Anna was excited that our graph was as long as she is tall.
Miracles do happen every once and a while.  It looks like Anna is praying in this picture, but no, she is making her bed....WITHOUT BEING ASKED!!!!  I walked upstairs and there she was, making her bed.  There is hope!!!
Nicholas is really starting to love books.  Now that he has figured out how to climb up onto our nice couches he loves to snuggle up with his bag of library books.  
Anna and I went to see our good friend Braxton in his last High School play.  The play was The 12 Dancing Princesses.  It was a cute play.  Before the play they had a Prince and Princess party.  My little princess didn't want to dress up.  But she sure loved the treats, making her own crown, learning to sword fight, getting her face painted, and the best part was the Pirate Eye patch in her goody bag.  Princesses can be pirates too.

Do they make climbing geer for 18 month olds?  Because Nicholas loves to climb way too much.  Nothing is out of reach, he will find a way to climb to it.  
I am not quite sure where Anna was going or what she was going to do when she got there with all of this stuff, but I am sure it was fun.  It looks like a parting in the making.
Check!  April Phone pictures posted. :)


Lori said...

so fun seeing them grow up!

Kyle and Kat said...

Kaite's preschool told me that the second child usually has better coordination and does things faster than the first. The reason: they have to keep up with their older sibling and they get knocked around more so they learn coordination faster. I think that makes sense, but occasionally you get a Kaite that just mach 10 at everything!

Melissa Giles said...

nice... now onto March and you'll be caught up for 6 more days.
Always love seeing your fun ideas!

Melissa Giles said...

did I say March? I meant May!