Monday, July 23, 2012

Garden 2012

We have been very busy in the garden this year.  After last year Devin decided that he wanted to put a spicket out in the garden to make watering easier and to take full advantage of the irrigation water.  So Devin spent many fun nights digging a trench out to the garden.

We also decided to try and do our own tomato starts, since the ones Kyle gave us last year did so well.  We enjoyed our little green house in our bathroom for a good long time.

Then we were talking with some neighbors and we decided to go in on mulch for our gardens and planters.  Long story short we ended up getting a HUGE dump truck full of mulch dumped infront of our house.  Nicholas was very excited to watch the dump truck.
Thanks to our friend Allen Walker and his little tractor we were able to get the mulch to everyone who needed it.  The kids loved watching the tractor.  They were so happy to just sit on the porch and watch.

We tried really hard to keep the kids out of the mulch.  They had fun pushing the shovels around.

At the end of the first day the pile looked like this.
We were able to finish the rest up in the morning.  But it wasn't all gone before Anna got her way and spent some quality time playing in the mulch.

The neighbor girls loved playing with Anna in our planter boxes.

Before the mulch came, Devin was nice enough to expand our garden a few more feet.  So this is what our garden looked like before we planted this year.

We planted tomatoes, peppers, onions, garlic, cucumbers, peas, beans, corn, pumpkins, and cantaloupe.

 Here are more pictures from a few weeks later.

And this is what our garden looks like now.

Our peas did well.  Our pumpkins, cantaloupe, and beans are going nuts.  Our tomatoes, corn, and peppers, are not doing so well.  Thanks to Dr. Pam, they are starting to look better.  Funny we have never had trouble growing tomatoes and peppers before.  I guess we all need a little dose of humility.  Here's hoping I can still get enough tomatoes to make my spaghetti sauce for the year.   Maybe we could trade people beans and pumpkins for tomatoes if things don't work out. :)


Vic and Kathy Baldwin said...

Way to go - green thumbs!!!

Sarah M said...

Wow, I need some pointers from you--on how to garden AND how to run :) Very impressed! If you ever want to get together and let the kids play, facebook me or something :)