Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Cow Parade

Anna's dance class is in American Fork.  American Fork has its special summer celebration thing, they call it Steel Days.  For Steel Days there is a parade and they invite all local businesses to participate.  Well it so happens that the Dance Conservatory people worked with the Chick-fil-a a people (all which happen to live in our ward) and they worked out that the little girls dance class could ride in the Chick-fil-a cows in the parade.  (The rest of the dance company would ride in a truck or in a trailer or walk.  I asked Anna if she wanted to ride in the cows in the parade.  The answer was an ABSOLUTELY YES MOM!!!  Anna was so excited to be in the Cow Parade.  
We have never done anything like this, but we knew we were headed in the right direction when we saw a whole bunch of "cows" heading down the road.

Anna was very excited to ride in a cow with her friend Avery.
The girls were good sports.  I guess they let all the Baby Contest winners ride in the cows too, so the little girls had to cram in two girls for each cow.  They were happy to have suckers before the parade started.
The police motorcycles were pretty cool to watch.
Finally the long line of cows joined the parade.

The girls had a great time!

Bridget and Gentry had a good time in their cow too. 
Bridget got bored and found out that she could stick her flag through the hole in the cow.  Look close and you can see her flag.
Nicholas had a great time watching the parade with Devin.
We were going slow enough, that we let Nicholas jump in and have a ride in the cows.  He totally fits in with all the Baby Contest winners.

We were glad that we were at the beginning of the parade.  The girls were really hot by the time we were done.  They had a blast.  I didn't mind riding in the cow either.  

1 comment:

Lori said...

how fun. i love the cows too. the girls look cute all dressed alike. glad you had fun riding in a cow. looks fun to me.