Thursday, June 13, 2013

Jane wanted to say "Hi!"

We had our 20 week ultrasound today (I am actually 21 weeks) and we found out a lot about our little GIRL.  We have gone in several times for ultrasounds before today because I had a subchorionic hemorrhage.  This is pretty common, but they did ultrasounds every two weeks to make sure it went away, and it did.  Because we had so many ultrasounds we have had one "it is probably a girl" ultrasound and one "it's a girl" ultrasound before today.  So three votes for a girl and we are running with it.  Jane Lael is on her way.
Today we also found out that baby Jane has a slight problem.  Her umbilical cord should have two arteries and one vein and her cord only has one artery.  So this means that she is not getting the nutrients like she should be.  As of today, everything looks great.  They did a pretty extensive ultrasound checking her hear, brain, spine, stomach, kidneys,  everything.  Everything looks great.  As she grows there could be problems.  So...there is a 75% chance that she will go full term and everything will be totally normal.  My doctor told me today that they will take me at 39 weeks if we make it that far.  She said that it would be really awesome if we could make it to 37 weeks, but it is very likely that we will go sooner than that if baby Jane is not getting what she needs.  So our little Star Girl will continue to get her picture taken quite frequently so they can monitor her progress and make sure everything is ok.  I guess she likes to have her picture taken.  :)  My third trimester is going to be full of lots of stress tests to make sure everything is ok.  There is really nothing that can be done other than watch and pray.  All I can do is make sure she is moving.  Moving means baby is still alive and well, so we are praying for lots of movement.
We will keep you posted on baby Jane.  Pray that she will get what she needs so her heart, brain, and every little part of her body can develop properly.  Pray that I can not go nuts worrying.  I told my mom today all I can do is pray, prepare, and simplify.  Pray because nothing works better than prayer to prepare us for whatever happens.  Prepare for when this little Star Girl is going to come and we might have to spend some time in the NICU.  And simplify because well, I think we are going to have to let a lot of things go depending on how early she decides to come.  We have no idea when this little one will come, hopefully it will not be for a long time.
Anyway, pray that all will be well.  We know no matter what it will be ok.  Sure makes you grateful for good doctors, and an absolutely perfect plan created by our Heavenly Father.  


Sarah said...

If I remeber of Eric's sister's second child had this issue....and all was good. He "cooked" well, and was born at a good weight and all was good. Congrats on another girl!!

Melissa Giles said...

I love the name Jane.... so sweet. We will keep you in our prayers and think good thoughts for you. Can't wait to see everyone in about a month!! Loves to all!

Rachel Wagner. said...

Will be thinking and praying for you and your family. What an adventure. Love the name. My Mom is named Jane.

Mary Ann said...

We will definitely keep your sweet baby and your family in our prayers!