Those of you who are up-to-day with the Baldwin family, know that Julie is switching schools. So, for the last several weeks, Devin and Julie have had the "ever-so-fun" experience of packing up 5 years worth of teaching "junk." Four years ago, after I switched schools the first time, my little brother Peter helped me put everything up in my classroom. As he was using his staple gun to put things up so they would never fall down, he said, "My goal for you is to have a husband by the time you need to take all this stuff down, so I don't have to do it. Or, my goal is to move far enough away that I can't help you." Well, it looks like both goals were achieved. I have a great husband who is excellent with a staple-remover and Peter now lives far enough away that I didn't even bother inviting him to the clean-up, pack-up festivities. We found out that you can get a lot of teacher "junk" over five years. Over the past month I have tried to take a car-load home each night. Even with those small efforts we filled my mom's suburban, Marie's van, my car, and Devin's car the last night to make sure everything was out in time. Now my mom has a garage full of teacher "junk" until I have time to move it all into my new classroom. But keep checking our Blog and I'll show the progress of changing an empty classroom into a wonderful learning environment.
is school out for the summer?? Noah still has 4 days left than he will be a big 1st grader! what are your summer plans?
They say the third times the charm. I am excited to see what you will do with your new classroom at Westmore. I have enjoyed all the great ideas you have put together at Snow Springs and Freedom Elementary. Each one just gets better and better!
It's a good thing I'm not a teacher. My classroom would be barren, and I'd end up taking home a few reams of paper and maybe a few sports-related books. Anything else I would have accrued would be burned in a formal bakyard ceremony.
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