Devin and I have the wonderful callings of being in the Young Men and Young Women organizations in our ward. This works out great. Devin works with the deacons and I work with the beehives. The best part of this is that once a month we get to hang out together because of the combined mutual activity. Last month we went to this new trampoline place called Jump On It. It was totally one of those crazy places my Dad and his brothers would have thought up. Who gets the idea to fill a warehouse up with wall to wall trampolines? Oh, and for fun, why don't we put a bunch of dodge balls in there so people can try to hit each other as they are bouncing around on the trampolines. It was a really fun activity. I think the deacons like me because they kept trying to hit me as hard as they could. That's what 12 year old boys do if they like you right? Either that or they were trying to get me back for hitting them. :)

Enough with the trampoline adventure, you all want to read about a train ride. This month's mutual activity took us to an amazing house in Lindon. There is this guy who has a really big house, lots of land, lots of toys, oh and a train that runs all over his property and a few of the surrounding houses too. Now this is not a little woosie train. It is actually big enough for 20 people to ride on it at once. There is about a mile of track that winds all over the place. My brother Peter would just die over this train. Apparently this guy went up to his wife one day and said, "I'm going to sell our cabin." "Why?" asked his wife. "Cause I want to build a really cool train." That tells you how much it must have cost. It was really cool!

The train was not the only cool thing at this house. There are several houses that share a yard, I guess they are all this guy's kids. There are batting cages, sand volleyball, a trampoline, a swimming pool with a slide (which one of the the girls decided it would be fun to slide down fully clothed) and my favorite....an indoor soccer court. We spent most of the evening there. Young Men vs. Young Women. I don't know who came out with the most bruises, and we actually lost count of the score. But overall it was SOOOO much fun. We all agreed over the next few days that we used all sorts of muscles that are not used for NORMAL every day activities.
I hope Peter builds a train like this in the future. That way we can play on it!
I wish I had an indoor soccer field. The only problem is, how do you find enough people to get a game going very often? I guess the train would get more use. Sounds like a lot of fun, especially for the youth.
I just want to say that trains are the coolest in the whole world. And Dash 9 44-CW model trains are the best of the best. (The picture is of a dash 9 44-CW) Anyhoo, now that I'm a blog master...I figured I'd comment on your coolest post yet. :-)
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