Devin and I are pretty convinced that we have just about the most perfect marriage ever. We love each other tons, we don't fight, and we are more in love each day. So what is our secret to this huge amount of joy? It's as easy as two rubber ducks. Actually it is two rubber ducks. I'm sure you're confused so I'll explain.

This summer my nephew Paul had a birthday party. Everyone was given a little rubber duck with their name on it as a party favor. Devin and I brought ours home and well...we're not quite sure who started it, but someone started hiding the ducks in random places in our house. Now it is one of our favorite games. The ducks have been all sorts of places. Anywhere from the washing machine, to school, to the mailbox. Our creativity is the only thing holding the ducks back.

So you might be wondering what this ridiculous game has to do with a happy marriage. The ducks are the means for making the other person smile. It has become our daily quest to find the best hiding spot, not to be the best, but because we know it is going to make the the other person smile when they find the ducks. That is the key. Each day we try to find little ways to make each other smile. Who would have thought that something free could bring us so much happiness.
With that thought I have an invitation for all married and single people out there reading our blog. Find some way each day to make someone else smile. It doesn't have to cost anything. In fact if it doesn't cost anything you can do it more often. Not only does it make someone else smile, but it is a guaranteed way of bringing instant happiness to your own life.
I concur. It has been so fun to hid the ducks in sundry places. They've been to the temple, they've found themselves drowning in a vase (with a bouquet of flowers), they've been in the corner in time out, they've hidden in Julie's lunch, they've swum in a vat of chocolate pudding, they even found themselves swinging under the carport. (Yes, swinging. In a swing. I made it for them.)
If you have any suggestions as to where I may hide the ducks, please email me directly. We're running out of nooks and crannies.
You all may want to check back in January, as there is guaranteed to be another post about the Ducks. I'm planning something special for our Anniversary.
I'm glad your happy.
Dave and I used to do that with the nightmare bear. remember him?
I remember the Nightmare Bear. Good Time!
I love it! My mom and bob's thing was an old pair of pantyhose. Crazy, I know, but they'd tie it on eachother's side mirrors of the car or doorknob, or whatever. Kinda cheesy, but fun!
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