Well, school has started. Which means I finally got my new classroom put together. I am really excited to be at my "new" "old" school. It is fun being on the teacher side of Westmore Elementary. It has a really great home feeling. It should be quite the experience this year. I only have 16 students. I am really excited to have the time to teach them one-on-one and to give each student the attention they need. I hope you enjoy all the pictures of my new classroom. I'm sure with the weeks to come I'll have great "teacher" stories.

Your classroom is great -- bright and cheery and you have fun visuals everywhere. Kids will have a great time in your class. 16 students is a small class - here in Ammon the classes are 26 or more. Ammon is growing so fast - they built 2 new elementary schools last year and have mobile classrooms beside them this year. They have already started 2 more elementary schools.
Mom Baldwin
Yeah for school! what grade are you teaching? Noah will be in 1st grade on monday. He is very excited, it is me who is a little sad. good luck with the school year.
Julie is teaching 2nd grade for the 6th time. She says, "You'd think it would get easier after 6 times!!"
I've always been amazed at how incredible of a teacher she is every time I go visit. Her students are so lucky to have a teacher who loves them so much, and really tries hard to give every child an equal opportunity to learn. It is amazing!!
Thanks all for your love and support!!
good luck with school. your classroom looks so much fun - the kids are going to love it!!
Good luck this year!! I work as a teacher's aide at a title one school and I would love to have 16 kids in the classes that i am in, that would help us a lot. You seem like you would be a super great teacher. I love you class as well, it is so cute. Good luck again!!
Your classroom looks great! Of course us at Freedom are so jealous of your class size, but you deserve it! Wasn't that such a challenge at Freedom? Jamie and I feel that there should be small group time for everything we teach...well esp. Math and Reading! I hope you have a great year! Oh and Erica says "hi!" She has a blog too if you haven't seen it. :)
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