Oh what do you do in the summer time when all the world is green? When the last days of summer are quickly slipping through your fingertips? You go to Logan to a good old-fashion rodeo that's what you do.
I had never been to a rodeo and it was really fun. Devin was not pleased with the lack of "skill" that the riders had. But lets face it, when you compare cowboys with prissy horse riders one is going to look better than the other. But I'd take the cowboys any time!
The evening overall was quite fun. My favorite thing to watch was the barrel races. I think this was only because no one could stay on any of the bulls for more than a few seconds. I was very disappointed!

It was also fun just being around the "fair" atmosphere. I love the fair. Maybe it is because one of my favorite childhood memories is going to the Amador county fair in California with my grandparents and cousins. I had fun looking at the quilts and Devin loved all the big tractors. I was really impressed! There were some really huge tractors there on display. So yeah for the fair! Yeah for cowboys! There is one thing I'll never understand. It is beyond my understanding why any girl would aspire to be a "Rodeo Queen." Apparently there is scholarship money involved. But I'd rather work at Classic all summer than dress up like a feathered-haired, weird- clothes, barbie on a horse.
I love the rodeo
I just noticed the blog thing, so I'm going to be months late on some of my comments, so I don't even know if you'll get them, but it's worth a shot.
I'm sorry your first rodeo had to be one where the guys couldn't stay on the bulls. That's my favorite part, but I've been to some that NO ONE stays on the 8 seconds. I hope you get the chance to see some good bull riding some time.
P.S. I love the tractor picture of Devin. Why does it make me laugh?
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