Some of you might have given up on me updating our Blog. Sorry to say, school is back in session and that means that I don't have all the time in the world to update our Blog all the time. This evening Devin is camping with the scouts so I decided it was time to bring you all up to speed on the Baldwin Family Adventures. We will start with our most recent trip to Idaho.
Missy decided to organize a family hike to Table Rock, which is close to or part of the Tetons (I'm not quite sure). I was thrilled to be hiking in a new area and it was fun to be going with Devin's whole family too. You learn a lot about people when you spend all day hiking with them. I never knew how much my brother-in-law Mahon liked to sing.

We had a great time. We went at good pace. It wasn't too hot. One of my least favorite parts was the HUGE rock fields on the ridge part of the trail. If you think my mom's back yard has a lot of rocks in it, you should see this place! When people talk about a "rocky" road, I am quite sure that this is the exact location that they are talking about.
By the time we got to the top of table rock it was well past noon. It was quite the view. Devin had lots of fun sitting on the edge of the big rock-like-cliff and taking pictures. The only bad part of the view was the nice big black storm clouds that we could see rolling in towards us.

Packing up quickly we started down the mountain. We decided to take the shorter path down the face of the mountain rather than going down the seven mile trail that we went up on. The wind and rain started up before we even got off the ridge. Missy was the only smart one, she had actually brought a poncho. (Who says Boy Scouts are the only ones who are prepared!) I was glad that we had brought our sweat-shirts with us. It really wasn't too bad hiking in the rain. The fun part was the fact that the trail gets pretty steep at the bottom and rain + rocks = slick trails. I think we all bit the dust at least once...or we were really close to falling down. We were very glad to get down off the mountain and that the storm was not too bad. I had to laugh at the sign at the bottom of the trail. It said something like "Very difficulty trail, this trail is not recommended" I believe it!
Overall we had a great time. It made me grateful that I'm not a pioneer, but the I can go out on crazy hikes in the rain for "fun."
Wasn't that fun? Don't you want to go hiking in the rain every day? I do.
For all you trail bumbs out there, it was about a 4,000 vertical feet ascent hike. The easy trail was about 7.3 miles long, the short trail was about 4.3 miles long. As you may have guessed, the descent was more difficult, as it was steeper (same amount of vertical feet, shorter trail)
We sure felt fortunate that we all made it home safely off the trail, then safely home off the roads.
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