We proudly announce that we are famous. And what better thing to be famous for, but complete insanity. What? You don't understand. One of my favorite traditions is going shopping the day after Thanksgiving. We strategically planned out our shopping this year. We woke up at 3:45am and by 10am we had been everywhere we had planned to go. The most excited part of our shopping trip of insanity was that as we were standing in line at Kohl's for our $1.99 deal, a reporter took some pictures of us. She took a ton of pictures and talked with us for a while. Then later, she brought over another reporter who talked with us for bit more. We laughed about how funny it would be if we actually "made the paper." Surprisingly enough, we made the front page! Fortunately for those of us who looked like we woke up at 3:45am our picture didn't make the paper. I would attribute this to the fact that we were reading the Book of Mormon while waiting in line and they wouldn't want to . . . well you know. For whatever it is worth we were quoted twice for being completely insane. It was SOOO much fun. No doubt we'll be there again next year.
Julie- you ARE crazy! The only good reason to be up that early is to run :) Really, I think it sounds like fun but I value my sleep too much to join the masses until about 8 am. I know all the best deals are gone by then. Oh well. I finally remembered to find your blog - Mind if I link to yours from mine?
Wow! I didn't know you were a Black Friday crack of dawn kind of shopper. It's got to be more fun with Devin around. Did he go with you to? CRAZY! I don't usually go, but this year I went with my two sister-n-laws. Of course we went at 9:00am and not 3:45 like crazy people. :) Glad you had so much fun!!!
Link away. What is your's?
it's http://trailrunnings.blogspot.com/
you can link to Becca's and DeAnna's from there too.
Yeah--I always love a new blog, it's so fun. But now I am super curious, what was the $1.99 deal?
We have loved going out early on Black Friday in the past, but this year we didn't find anything that we needed, so we slept in.
I told Braxton about your blog page and he can't wait to read it. He said to give you the site to our blog page.
The $1.99 deal was a game for my nephews. When you're on a budget a couple $1.99 deals makes the money stretch a lot farther.
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