That was a long time ago. Once again Peter did something that I am so proud of. Peter is one of those manly men, with his manly man toys. He use to have a bullet bike and a dirt bike. He has sold those over the past few years to help pay for college. This last Wednesday he sold his last manly toy. His truck. All so that they wouldn't have to take out a loan to pay for next semester. Wow! Way to sacrifice! Way to have your priorities straight! We were passing through Logan just as the sale was being made so we were able to take one last picture of the family with the truck. I am so proud of my brother! Not many guys would be willing to make that kind of sacrifice. I know someday he'll have another truck, bigger and better....and I bet he'll pay cash for it. :)
Tell him its OK. It was only a Dodge
Don't knock Dodge trucks. They are way better than Fords.
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