So here I am, enjoying my Sunday in my red fuzzy socks with suction cups on the bottom. I thought only kid socks had stuff like that on them. As I was making lunch after church today we found out that if I stomp my foot really hard on the kitchen floor, my sock actually sticks. Too bad I can't be like Mr. Gadget and say, "Go Go Gadget Socks!" and then be able to climb up the wall. (Side note, Devin was really disappointed when my foot wouldn't stick to the wall.) I am grateful that little things like fuzzy socks make me happy.
Anyway, nothing really fascinating to report this week. But for whatever it is worth, I've got some really cool socks. I think there are so many little things that make us each happy every day. What are some of the little things that have made you happy today?
Today I was thankful that my kids were semi reverent in church and that they all obliged to the mandated family nap time. A small miracle indeed!
I was extremely excited and grateful that Joseph made me blueberry waffles, eggs, and orange juice! It really was delicious and such a treat!
By the way, our playground has been covered with half a foot of snow for pretty much a month! Isn't that crazy? Is yours that bad too? You seriously need sunglasses when doing recess duty because the reflection off the snow is blinding. :) It is beautiful though.
I'll be honest, I have a thing for red, so your red socks made me happy too! Happy stomping, I hope you don't get stuck!
I have a pink pair just like yours and I love them! Maybe if we worked together we'd be able to climb walls!
I love socks. That's all I have to say about that...
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