His Life
I remember mowing my mom's lawn while listening to his biography. His life's story was filled with so many wonderful stories that have been examples to me throughout my life. Examples of faith, courage, diligence, humor, and humility.
BYU Devotionals
When I was a Freshmen at BYU President Hinckley came to speak at a devotional. I grew up in Utah, I had been to conference before, so I had seen President Hinckley speak "live." Notwithstanding these previous experiences, I couldn't help feeling the excitement that filled campus when we heard that he was coming. My schedule was such that I did not have any classes until afternoon on Tuesdays so I was able to go early to get a good seat for the devotional. I was amazed that even an hour before the devotional was scheduled to start the Marriott Center was practically full. Apparently people had started lining up at 7am. I was touched by their desire to see the living prophet. I was humbled by the fact that I had seen him so often and not until then realized how lucky I was.
Nauvoo Temple Announcement
In April 1999 at the conclusion of General Conference, my roommates and I were sitting around our small TV listening to President Hinckley's closing remarks. It was then that he announced that they were going to rebuild the Nauvoo temple. I remember being filled with the spirit and so excited.
Mission Call
The first day in the MTC is one that I will never forget. After saying good bye to my family I had time to sit in my room before my companion arrived. As I was looking though all the stuff they had given us, I came to my little missionary license I guess you could call it. There it was laminated and signed by President Hinckley telling the world that I was the savior's messenger. That I was called to preach the gospel. I remember looking at that signature and thinking, "Well, I guess if he signed his name saying that I could be a missionary, I guess I can."
While serving my mission in El Salvador, I was privileged to take part in some of the first live broadcasts to El Salvador. I remember that while I was serving in San Miguel we heard that there was going to be a fireside for the youth. My companion and I decided at the last minute to go because one of our appointments fell through. I can still picture exactly where I was sitting as President Hinckley gave his famous "Be's" for the first time. I was so excited to share with the people of El Salvador what our living prophet had just taught the youth.
Conference Center Dedication
April conference 2001 was one I will never forget. It was the first General Conference that the people of El Salvador were ever able to see live. We went early, 2 hours early, to the Stake Center and the only seats that were left were in the very back. They filled every classroom, the hallways and every inch of the building (the fire marshal would have had a fit!). I remember crying as I saw people standing outside the open windows, looking in, just wanting to see and hear our dear sweet prophet. When it was finally time to dedicate the conference center many of the small children were having a hard time sitting still and being quiet. It was so hot and everyone was tired of sitting on hard folding chairs. When President Hinckley started to pray it was like the world stood still. Everything was completely quiet. Even the noise of the busy street went away. What a wonderful spirit! How amazing to stand with countless saints all over the world to shout "hosanna" in celebration of the wonderful new conference center being dedicated.
Nauvoo Temple Dedication
During the Nauvoo temple dedication President Hinckley extended to all the invitation to come to Nauvoo, to walk up and down the streets to feel the spirit there. I remember my heart being filled with joy as I stepped off the tour bus in 2006, just 4 years later. I had finally done it! I had done what the prophet asked us to do. I was so grateful that I accepted the invitation, it was a life changing experience.
Perpetual Education Fund
I felt spoiled rotten when I came home from my mission. I had so much, and the people of El Salvador had so little. My opportunities were endless and for so many of them, their life had no opportunities at all. I remember the Conference when President Hinckley announced the Perpetual Education Fund. I don't cry, I never cry, but I did then. I was so grateful that the people I loved from my mission, and people like them all over the world would now have opportunities for education that they would never have been able to have. I knew more than ever before that Heavenly Father loves and takes care of his children.
El Salvador Temple
Temples were President Hinckley's thing. Even with all the temples all over the world, I never thought my little El Salvador would get a temple. It was too small and too close to Guatemala. This last Thanksgiving we were sitting at Devin's aunts house when my sister called. When she told me that they had just announced that a temple was going to be build in El Salvador I just cried. Devin was sure that someone was dead. No! But a miracle had taken place. Thank you President Hinckley for bring temples to so many people.
Wow! This is the longest blog I have ever written! But I just wanted to share with all of you what I remember about President Hinckley. Feel free to comment on what you remember about our dear President Hinckley.
What a very nice post about President Hinkley and what you remember. I do have to laugh at some of it though, for example-you saying you never cry?? Ummm-yeah you do. You have a very soft heart-unlike me who when President Hinkley came to BYU Campus our freshman year I missed it to see my mom-who had just arrived to visit my sister-(Allison was just born). I too read his book-and was touched. He is a great man whom we will all greatly miss. I will always remember his cheerfull, funny personality!
I will have to agree with Sarah, I have seen you cry too. I too remember when President Hinkley came our freshman year. We got to sit so close it was wonderful. One of my favorite memories is when he challenged everyone to read the Book of Mormon by the end of the year. It was great to see so many people reading the book of mormon. We had a new years eve party where a friend stayed in his car until he finished it , just in time for the new year. I also loved this last conference the picture of him "tapping" Pres. Eyering on the sholders with his cane like he was knighting him.
I guess I don't cry as much as I did before my mission. Though I'm amazed at what being in Young Women's is doing to me. I think that is why I like teaching Gospel Doctrine so much, there are no tears in Gospel Doctrine.
Thanks for your great memories and testimony!
One of the memories I will cherish most is the special Primary Broadcast to the children. It was amazing to look around and see all of these sweet little children that had been invited to listen to a special broadcast from this loving prophet. I will always remember the feelings I had as I listened to him encourage the children and testify of the power of prayer.
I've been reading but not commenting - sorry, comments are the best!
My memories are not as specific as yours, I think I will remember most his positive and motivating attitude and his example in the way he treated EVERYONE he met and really made them feel the love he truly felt for them. If I could have a smidgen of that . . . Also he had a way of making life seem simple and good. My favorite is the way he encouraged us to always do our best and not worry about what we cannot do.
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