Back in 1996, I started listening to books on tape. It was the only way to survive mowing my mom's lawn. Since then I have listen to countless amounts of books while working on my farmer's tan and helping my mom's lawn stay in somewhat good condition. The very first book I ever listened to was President Hinckley's biography. I remember distinctly developing a great love for our prophet as I mowed the lawn. I know this sounds a little funny, but there are certain stories of his life that I can't think about without thinking of certain spots in my mom's lawn. He has taught us so much. Looking back on my life, listening to President Hinckley's biography was the beginning of so many things for me. The more I learned about his life, the more I wanted my life to be better.Over the last 24 hours one thing that he said keeps coming to mind. During one of his conference talks he made some comment that he would be remembered as the prophet no one listened to or followed. (Something like that.) I hope that we might all do what he has asked us to do. To "go forward with faith" to "be little bit better" to "do the best we can." I am so grateful that I have had so many opportunities to learn from him. I know that he was called of God. That he was sent here to be an instrument in our Father's hands. Like President Hinckley we each have important things to do to help the church move forward, to prepare the world for our Savor's coming. It is my prayer that we can all go forward with faith. That we might not skip a beat in our eternal progression.
Thanks for sharing a small part of your testimony with us!
Thanks jules that was great!
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