Yeah! We've been married for one whole year! It went by really fast. We are really happy. We have both decided that we would be happier if we were going to Disney World again. The year has gone by quickly. My mother was so nice to put our "cake top" in this special zip-lock bag plastic wrap combo packaging that preserved our cake for one year. I am one that believes that if something has been in the fridge for over a week, it probably should be thrown out. I was a little skeptical about the cake top. I wasn't sure how it would taste, or if I should taste it at all. Notwithstanding the unsure feelings about the quality of the cake. We went ahead and cut our cake.

Devin had a different plan in mind. I thought we were going to cut the cake and eat it. NOOO! Devin had another plan. He wanted to cut the cake and smash it in my face. As you can see, I smashed back. Last year many people were disappointed at our reception because we didn't smash the cake in each other's faces. I'm still glad we didn't. Devin I guess had to wait a year to finally smash some cake in my face. I was just glad that we were wearing clothes that didn't need to be dry cleaned and that we could vacuum up the mess as soon as we were done. The cake tasted really good, just as good as it did the day we got married. So for whatever it is worth, we are happily moving on to our 2nd year of marriage. WOO- HOO!
Congratulations you crazy kids!!
Congrats!! I was laughing so hard at your video - thanks for reminding me what it feels like to have cake smashed and go up my nose!!!
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