Check two more temples off our list! This weekend we got to go to two new temples. One defiantly more "new" than the other. We stopped by the Ogden temple on the way up to Idaho this weekend. To be completely honest, if you have been to the Provo temple, you've been to the Ogden temple. It is different because it is right in the middle of town. Most temples are on a hill and kind of out of the way of things. Not with Ogden. You're driving down the road and BAM! there it is. Who doesn't like the element of suprise now and then?

We also went to the Rexburg temple Open House. (Hence the title "Two for the Price of One") It was fun to go through the temple with Devin's whole family (minus his parents who are on a cruise). So within a few days we went from a "old" temple to a bran spankin' new one. The Ogden temple was dedicated in January of
1972. The Rexburg temple will be dedicated on February 3rd. It is amazing how 36 of progress can change how a temple looks. They are both beautiful and we are grateful for the chance we had to see them both. Two more down....."x" more to go. :)
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