Monday, January 21, 2008

My Husband and His Crazy Brother

What do most people do on a Sunday night? Some watch football. Others go to firesides. Lot of people go hang out at Walmart. (I know this because when we drive over to my mom's house the parking lot is ALWAYS full.) What do the Baldwin boys do? With the encouragement of Pam, they go jump around in the snow barefoot. I love to participate in all sorts of crazy activities. But this is one that I am happy to be only a watcher and not a "snow jumper." I guess in Idaho there just isn't a lot to do, so you've got to do something for fun.

1 comment:

Kellie said...

Hi Baldwins! We enjoy your blog. Thanks for sharing. Dave wanted me to email you the link to our blog but I guess you didn't receive it. You can link to it from this comment. Hope you enjoy finding out more about our crazy/busy family! Take Care